I was going to use a random generator, but decided that my husband was random enough. The number he selected was 6.
I don't think that he made the connection, but I did. Wyatt was born on 6/6, how fitting.
So, the sixth comment between the two blog posts per my comment tracking was from SHANNON who said:
"Your story to so touching and seeing how you are honoring and remembering your sweet Wyatt. This is so inspiring to all of us who are struggling."
Congratulations Shannon!!! You are the winner of the Wyatt's Whisper 10,000 page views giveaway. Please send me a message either here in this post or to my email crymeg99@frontier.com with the following:
1. Things (colors, items, etc) that remind you of your little angel
2. Anything that you think I should know to make your package wonderful
3. Your mailing address, so I can mail your package out next weekend
A huge thank you to everyone who participated in the giveaway! You all mean so much to me and the fact that you follow Wyatt Whisper means even more. Thank you for holding Wyatt in your hearts.
We will have another giveaway when we hit 100 followers. At this point we have 48 followers.
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