"Last Goodbye by 4tune"
"If I Die Young by The Band Perry"
Every time this songs comes on, I immediately think of Wyatt. "If I die young", those words hit me as if Wyatt is telling me this. I am in love with this song. I know that he is my rainbow, high up in the sky. And "the sharp knife of a short life", that really says so much.
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"September by Daughtry"
This song reminds me so much of Wyatt. I was off all summer (Memorial Day to Labor Day), each time this song played I cried. It still brings tears.
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"Alejandro by Lady Gaga"
While pregnant with Wyatt he use to move all around when he would hear this song. It probably freaked him out. LOL Song is about living without your true love. Could translate into living without the love of a child.
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"Heaven Got Another Angel by Gordon Garner"
This song was posted on FB and at almost nine months since the day I delivered our angel, I sit chocked up. What a beautiful song.
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"Angel by Fisher the Band"
At just after the eight month mark of when we lost Wyatt, Brian was burning songs onto a CD. After burning the songs, he played the CD to ensure everything came through okay. The first song on the CD was Angel, a song that Brian didn't select to have burned onto the CD, it just appeared. Listen to the song, it touched our hearts, a sign from our Wyatt.